Hello, I’m Dr Aen,
and I bebel a lot.
Hence, the Let’s Bebel!
I am here to create + inspire;
I love creating and educating. When it comes to content creation, for me, it should be beyond just creating.
After more than 7 years in content creation industry, I believe that my expertise could be used my many individuals and businesses to help them strategize the content strategy and personal branding strategy.
A medical graduate and a former medical doctor
I graduated from the National University of Malaysia in 2016 and served the government for more than 2 years as a medical doctor. Currently, doing my Professional Diploma in Dermatology.
A freelance content creator, speaker and brand's representative
I’m a content creator since 2017 and dedicated in spreading the correct skincare, beauty, and medical knowledge by creating contents on my platforms or by giving talks on behalf of my clients and represent them.
A business graduate, and personal branding consultant
I completed a Master in Business Administration, Major in Marketing in 2021 and currently pursuing my Doctorate in Business Administration. I do personal branding audit and consultation.
I create content, review their marketing strategy and speak on behalf of the brands
Working with companies and brands that are aligned with my values is my top priority.
How can I benefit you?
Elevate your brand with my tailored creative content services for beauty and health industries. I have a team consist of video editor, copywriter and strategist.
Speaker / brand's representative
Hire me, the only Dr Aen Bebel to represent your brand at any health and beauty workshops and international or local conferences, offline or online. I'm a certified trainer under Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran.
Personal branding consultancy
Get yourselves recognized the right way. I've been experimenting with multiple frameworks for my personal branding before deciding to use my expertise to help individuals with their personal branding strategy.
Content strategy and creation
Strategize your content effectively according to your brand's vision, mission, and goals.